How is heartworm transmitted?

Heartworm is transmitted by being bitten by a mosquito.

Villa Park Veterinary Hospital

What do veterinarians recommend as heartworm prevention for cats?

There are different types of preventatives on the market. Some are in the chewable form and others are in the liquid gel form. We will help make that recommendation during your cat's annual exam. Most cats tend to do better with topical products.

How do you spot heartworm symptoms in cats?

The main symptoms include asthma-like coughing, open mouth breathing, and panting. Open mouth breathing and panting are not normal in cats. Other symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and lethargy.

How will a veterinarian diagnose heartworm in your cat?

We will run some tests to confirm if your cat is heartworm positive. This is done as a blood test. We can also use our x-ray to take a look at the chest to see if there are any heartworms.

Why is early detection and diagnosis of heartworm so important?

Early detection is important because it allows the creation of a maintenance plan for them. Once a cat is infected, the worms only live for a couple of years. However, as the worm starts to decay, it sets off a reaction that will cause the cat to pass away. There is currently no treatment for heartworm in cats. That is why we in the veterinary industry stress the importance of having your cat on heartworm preventative all year round.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (630) 832-1666, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram